The Last of Us Part I (PS5) Price: $69.99 (as of 02/01/2024 10:59 PST- Details)

Enhanced visuals: Completely rebuilt from the ground up using Naughty Dog’s latest PS5 engine technology to improve every visual detail, The Last of Us experience has been faithfully enhanced with more realistic lighting and atmosphere, more intricate environments and creative reimaginings of familiar spaces.
Fast loading: Initial loading times are near instant, and seamless after the first instance thanks to the PS5 console’s SSD – so you can pick up where you left off in the story and load specific encounters and chapters more quickly.
Haptic feedback: DualSense wireless controller haptic feedback support for every weapon elevates combat encounters, and environments are brought to life through DualSense wireless controller haptic sensations of subtle falling rain, the crunch of stepping on snow and more.
Adaptive triggers: All The Last of Us iconic weapons, including Joel’s revolver and Ellie’s bow, now deliver dynamic DualSense wireless controller trigger resistance and kickback on firing for deeper combat immersion.
3D Audio: Designed to make use of the PS5 console’s Tempest 3D AudioTech, Naughty Dog’s newly upgraded audio engine delivers richer soundscapes, bigger explosive moments and more visceral gameplay through compatible stereo headphones (analogue or USB) or TV speakers.

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The Last of Us Part I: An Epic Tale of Survival in a Post-Apocalyptic World

The Last of Us Part I is a critically acclaimed video game developed by Naughty Dog and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. This survival-action game was released for the PlayStation 3 in 2013, and a remastered version for the PlayStation 4 in 2014. In 2021, it was again remastered for the PlayStation 5, bringing with it new and improved graphics, performance, and accessibility features. The game has received numerous awards and is widely considered one of the greatest video games of all time. In this review, we’ll take a deep dive into the game and its features, and offer some advice for potential buyers.

A Story of Love and Survival

The Last of Us Part I follows the journey of Joel, a smuggler, and Ellie, a teenage girl, as they make their way across a post-apocalyptic America in search of a rumored resistance group. The game’s story is a masterpiece of storytelling, taking players on a roller coaster of emotions as they journey through the dangerous world filled with infected humans, hostile survivor groups, and the constant threat of danger at every turn. The relationship between Joel and Ellie is one of the most endearing and well-written in video game history, with the two characters growing and evolving over the course of the game.

Masterful Gameplay

The Last of Us Part I is a third-person action-adventure game that blends survival, stealth, and combat mechanics. Players must make their way through the game’s levels, scavenging for supplies and fighting off infected and hostile humans. The combat is challenging, but never frustrating, with the game’s AI providing a formidable opponent. The stealth mechanics are also well executed, allowing players to take a more strategic approach to encounters if they choose.

Breathtaking Graphics and Audio

The graphics in The Last of Us Part I are simply stunning. The remastered version for the PlayStation 5 brings with it improved graphics, making the world even more immersive and believable. The game’s environments are beautifully detailed, from the lush, overgrown forests to the dilapidated, post-apocalyptic cities. The character models are also top-notch, with lifelike animations and facial expressions that bring the characters to life. The audio in the game is also excellent, with a haunting soundtrack and powerful sound effects that enhance the atmosphere.

An Experience Like No Other

The Last of Us Part I is a game that must be experienced to be truly appreciated. Its combination of compelling story, masterful gameplay, breathtaking graphics, and excellent audio make it a truly unique and unforgettable experience. The game is a must-play for fans of survival-action games and those who appreciate a well-written story.

Advice for Potential Buyers

The Last of Us Part I is a game that is best experienced on the PlayStation 5, where players can take advantage of the improved graphics and performance. The game is also available on the PlayStation 4, but the remastered version for the PlayStation 5 is definitely the way to go. The game is a lengthy experience, taking most players around 15 hours to complete, so it’s not a game for those who are looking for a quick and easy experience. However, for those who are looking for a truly epic and memorable gaming experience, The Last of Us Part I is a must-play.


The Last of Us Part I is a masterpiece of a video game, delivering an unforgettable and emotional experience that is sure to leave a lasting impression on players. Its combination of excellent storytelling, masterful gameplay, and breathtaking graphics and audio make it a must-play.


Check out this short gameplay:

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